Welcome back to the South Side, Sox. After a week of awful baseball played in Detroit and somewhere else (I refuse to talk about that wretched place until our final series there), the Sox return home and play a great game. I know they blew the lead, twice, but this was a well pitched game and we got some clutch hits when we needed them most.
I'll start with talking about the bullpen situation. First of all, I think Jenks would have entered this game, had he been in the ballpark. He was not (kidney stones, according to Mark Gonzales). I don't know where he is, but I will post something about that when I know. On to Matthew. Thornton should not be looked down upon in this game. He came in in the eighth, struck out Texieria, came back in the ninth, struck out ARod and Matsui, gave up a fluke long ball, and then struck out Cano. If ever a "closer" deserves a win after blowing a save this was it. good for Matt.
I don't have much to say about Gavin other than that he was awesome. Great great stuff out of him tonight. Too bad he didn't get the win for this, but good start and hopefully a sign of things to come.
Finally we deserved this win. As I posted on the Twitter page, a day after Casilla who is hitting .171 got 2 go ahead RBI in a game, the Sox walk off at the hands of Dewayne Wise who is hitting .191. I still don't think anything short of sweeping them up in the place that I will not talk about is proper payback for what we have gone through, it was nice to see something that unlikely go our way tonight.
As Justin said earlier, TCB will be going on vacation this weekend. We are heading down to STL to celebrate my 21st birthday. I will be around at least until the deadline and I will be posting during that, but don't expect much on the blog past that because I doubt we even see the games at all this weekend. We will be updating the Twitter when something needs to be said, so keep an eye on that. Wish us luck at the tables.
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