Phil Rogers time and time again proves he is an idiot. Today is no exception as he put together this little piece for the Tribune making the case that Jim Hendry should release Carlos Zambrano.
Are you #$(#$%( serious?? Business considerations aside, that may be one of the most irrational, idiotic things to do for the Cubs. Release/trade a guy that will go down as one of the best Cub starters ever, especially while he is still young? Craziness.
Carlos is not an ace or a top tier starter. He has top tier stuff no question about it, but his inconsistency frustrates us all and keeps him out of that category. Despite this, the fact remains that there are very few teams in the big leagues, if any, that wouldn't take him based on his talent and track record.
Is he crazy? Of course. Does he create distractions? At times. But one thing he is not is a clubhouse cancer. He is ultra-competitive and a little immature, but that can be said for a lot of professional athletes. From all accounts (granted I'm not in the Cubs clubhouse of course) he is well-liked and respected. From the outside it wouldn't appear that he rubs his teammates the wrong way (I think we all know a certain catcher that would be an exception). All three of his managers have seemed to like him.
It isn't like the Cubs have had trouble winning while he has been a big part of the team. Playoff failures aside, you have to get in first to have a chance and with Z they have done that 3 times in his 6 full years as a starter. Not a bad percentage. Let's not forget they won 89 games in 2004, and if not for Z think of how low they would have sunk in 2005 and especially 2006.
What a joke that article is.
Last time i checked Big Z demands the best out of himself as well as his teammates. He is a leader, with some mental issues. Nonetheless its a leader we need right now. There is no spark or energy to this team. Day in and day out this team takes the field and goes through the motions. They have games where they show signs of the old team, but ultimately end up back in the slump and do little to swing themselves out. Maybe its time the real leader of this team wake up and light the fire to ignite them. You know who you are LOU!!!