Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Brad Bergesen Scares Me

The thing that bothers me with this guy is that not only has he never pitched a game in the majors, but I've never even heard his name before a few days ago. Now I don't claim to be an Orioles minor league expert, but I do know that when there are young studs coming up through the system you hear about them. So that would lead you to believe that he's not that good right? False.

Bergesen was the Orioles minor league pitcher of the year last year, and he has a 2.45 ERA with a 1-1 record in Triple A so far this year. He had a very good spring with an ERA just over 3 while striking out 11 in 11.2 innings.

The Sox are a team that are really hit or miss against young pitching. Sadly more often than not it's miss... see Greg Smith, Andy Sonnenstine, Brian Burres among many others. With the day off and playing in a new ballpark tonight, I'm not sure the hitting tear the Sox have been on will continue.

So here's my guess. There are three scenarios I see happening (and by laying them out odds are they will all be wrong), but here goes. 1) Bergesen dominates, 7,8 innings or so. Sox lose bad. 2) Sox torch the guy and Sox win easily. 3) Bergesen falls into the young pitcher mold and overthrows. Not able to find the strike zone. Walks like 6 guys, and the Sox win.

Let's hope for scenario 2 or 3, but I'm afraid it's gonna be number 1.

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